The Inconvenience of Following Jesus

Here's my struggle with following Jesus... It's so damn inconvenient sometimes. Missional living goes against so many of my natural inclinations. In our consumer-driven culture, where Google chooses which ads I look at and Starbucks allows me to pre-order my coffee before I can even say hello to a barista, being a disciple of Christ … Continue reading The Inconvenience of Following Jesus

Validate Me!: How we lose sight of the goal

What is success? What criteria do you use to determine whether you are doing well or not? In our day in age, we have metrics for just about everything we do. Our workplace have evaluations, schools have grades, gyms have scales, restaurants have reviews and social media have "likes." It's hard to go anywhere or … Continue reading Validate Me!: How we lose sight of the goal

Playing Devil’s Advocate: The cost of trying to be original

A few months back, when the ALS ice bucket challenges was flooding my newsfeed, I found it interesting how so many people wanted to express their unique opinion on the matter (as I'm pretty much doing right now). After the challenge went viral, the haters came out of the woodwork. They made the case that … Continue reading Playing Devil’s Advocate: The cost of trying to be original

Finding a “Worthy” Cause: How economics have changed the way we give

In his book, I Spend, Therefore I Am, Philip Roscoe describes how the influence of economics have changed the way we interact as humans. He argues that with the collapse of the economy in 2008, companies and NGO’s began running to economists in order to provide them with some kind of solution to do more … Continue reading Finding a “Worthy” Cause: How economics have changed the way we give

The Simple and the Cautious: Two Streams of Discipleship

In responding to the Great Commission, there's no way we can ignore the centrality of discipleship. That seems to be more of an emphasis among the churches I'm in contact with these days. But the important question moving forward is, what's the best approach in making a disciple? I realize there are countless of ways … Continue reading The Simple and the Cautious: Two Streams of Discipleship

Movements, Protests and the Ever-Expanding Flannel Industry

For the past five years, I have been consumed by the concept of "movements". It's just fascinating to watch the evolution of trends in our generation. Just look at how something like those funny looking Crocs can make its way into every home in North America, or how everyone all of a sudden felt the need to start wearing flannel (I'm … Continue reading Movements, Protests and the Ever-Expanding Flannel Industry